
Are you in hormonal hell?

Do you suffer from panic attacks, violent rages, anxiety, depression,

mood swings and uncontrollable weight gain?

Does this sound familiar? You can stop the madness now.

From her own 11 year journey through trials and tribulations, author Victoria Teague understands  and has cracked the code for finding the, “real you.” She’s helped 100’s of ladies become unstuck! NOW it’s your time!

In Finding Heaven in the Midst of Hormonal Hell, you will discover how to:

  • Reclaim Balance, Increase Productivity
  • Feel Focused, Energized and Joyful
  • Restore Sex Drive
  • Easy Weight Loss Strategies
  • Overcome Relational Disappointment and Heartache
  • Birth the New You while Passing the Torch to Others

Start turning your passion into your dream today with seven ways to breeze through menopause. This is your season and your time.    

In Finding Heaven, Victoria Teague offers support and encouragement as well as clarity for women to be empowered. Thank you Victoria for bringing more light to this period in a woman’s life that can feel dark at times. Dr. Zoe Wells, author of Women’s Transformational Journey


Following an eleven-year cocaine addiction and a dangerous career as a dancer in Atlanta’s sex industry, Victoria Teague experienced what can only be called a miraculous rescue. For ten years after she left the clubs, she sat respectably in the pews of her church with a grateful heart and a zip-locked mouth. She built an entirely new life on top of embarrassing secrets from her past, and only a precious, trusted few knew her spiritual rags-to-riches story. That is until one ordinary day when she was asked to do anything but the ordinary. On that day, she was called not only to share her secrets, but also to spotlight them. To use them as her “street cred” to minister to other women in the strip clubs who desperately need a lifeline like the one she was offered. To seek the lost and give them hope for a better life.

Her “Yes!” to that call to share and serve ultimately resulted in the birth of Victoria’s Friends, her volunteer-led ministry that has rescued hundreds of ladies from the clubs that Victoria fears are maybe even less than a yard from hell.

Victoria’s story, Reaching for Life, will inspire readers to allow God to do for them, as the Bible promises, “immeasurably more than they ever thought or imagined” with their own shame and sorrow.


Do you find yourself dwelling more on negative experiences in life than all your blessings?

Are you undervaluing yourself and where God has placed you?

Are you feeling self-loathing, judgmental, and stuck?

Self-defeating thoughts paralyze the most talented among us and suffocate our passion and zeal for life. Like it or not, challenges, hard times, and pitfalls are a part of life. What matters is that we don’t bury ourselves in those dark places and stay there.

Sparkle and Shine shows you how to shine, no matter what is thrown your way. Personal stories and inspired words affirm that when we stop undervaluing where God has placed us, our hidden potential becomes evident—even when we’re in the midst of challenges and trying times.

What if God is turning up the pressure and the heat on you so that He can bring forth a diamond—not just any diamond, a diamond that sparkles and shines?

Atlanta-based motivational speaker Victoria M. Teague is an Amazon #1 best-selling author, educator, and mentor whose specialty is helping women live their dreams. She also is the founder and director of Victoria’s Friends, a sex-trafficking ministry based in metro Atlanta. Victoria lives in metro Atlanta with her husband and three Australian Shepherds. She is blessed with two wonderful young adults, a son and a daughter. Connect with Victoria at:

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